Let’s face it – there is no way you would buy a Boat Canvas without considering browsing and researching web – “Marine canvas near me”? The Best Canvas Shop near me? Where to buy good Boat Canvas? How to get the best possible Boat Canvas that will be good quality and suit your budget?
Most people simply don’t have hundreds or even thousands of dollars to dish out for Marine Canvas that will last only season or two. Boat canvas is big investment and it is luxury on the boat. You may find “very good price” on the internet,that will look as a good bargen, but remember- do not mix pre-made Boat Canvas that is manufacturing who knows where?, with Custom made Boat Canvas.
That being said, it is definitely important to know how to buy the perfect marine canvas for your needs.
In order to help you choose the right boat canvas, we are listing a few points you should definitely consider when you are looking for good Marine Canvas Shop near you.
1st. Google it! Research about Canvas Shop in your area. Canvas shop “near me” doesn’t always mean it is good Canvas shop. Read Google Reviews and you will find them helpful. If Google 5* Canvas Shop is near you that could be the winner, but if you have to take short drive for good Boat Canvas – Do it. It will worth it a trip. You’ll thank your self later, plus you will have your Canvas guy for life.
2nd. When you find your Marine Canvas Shop “near me”, first you need to do to find out what their specialties are. Some Canvas shops are good just for Power Boat Canvas but not so good in Sailboats. Some of them are good for Biminis and Boat Covers, but not so good for Enclosures, Sailboat Dodgers and working with Glass -“soft vinyl” – more known as Isenglass. It is very Important to know that you get what you pay for. Ask what type of glass they are using. Be sure the glass is a pressed polished sheet – NO roll glass!!! The brand we like to use most is Chrystal Clear O’Sea , but Strataglass is good too. You could choose different thickness 30, 40 or 60 guage. We almost exclusively use 40 guage,unless a customer asks for different thickness.
3rd. There are a few choices when it comes to fabrics. Of Course, Its hard to beat Sunbrella. Sunbtrella is Marine Grade Fabric that is good just about any for any boat canvas.Sunbrella is breathes and keeps water out , but keep in mind it is not 100% waterproof. Sunbrella is most known brand in USA, but in our shop we could offer you other high quality Marine Grade Fabrics from Europe – Swela (Germany) or Tempotest (Italy), also highly resistant to UV lights which is very important for Florida. Other choices include the Stamoid fabric, Weblon Regatta, SeaMark -they are actually a vinyl coated polyester that is waterproof and easy to clean, but if you choose for fully closed cover ( boat cover , enclosure, console cover ) be sure that the cover has some sort of vent or you will be fighting mildew problems.You should staying away from “off brand” fabrics that they look like a Sunbrella or other Marine Grade Fabric , but beating from the sun they get destroyed after year or two. If you are going with Custom Canvas, since it is a small percent of the cost of the job is the material – mostly it is cost of labor, it doesn’t make any sense to choose less quality fabric.
4rd. One of the most important question – Be sure to ask them what type of thread they are using to sew Boat Canvas? After fabric, thread is the most important component of your boat canvas. Polyester or polyester dacron is the most common marine thread you will find in canvas shops. They are UV resistant and some are anti-wick. These threads are considered chemical and heat resistant, but eventually weaken in the sun. Nylon is a bad choice for outdoor thread. Be careful when you have your custom cover made. We restitch plenty of covers that have been sewn with nylon. Many boaters believe that marine thread should last forever. Actually there is one type of outdoor thread that does outlasts your boat canvas. It is thread, made with PTFE, which is really Teflon®. This type of thread can be exposed to sun, salt, chemicals, pollution… The reason you don’t see PTFE threads being used in all marine canvas shops is the price. They are very expensive, over 200$ one spool, so the reason you don’t see PTFE threads being used in all marine canvas shops is the price. In our shop we are using exclusively Solar Fix PTFE Thread, so Boat Canvas can finally be made with the quality they deserve.
So, where and when to buy a marine boat canvas?
If you are looking for the best time to purchase a marine boat canvas, you should know that spring and fall are the hottest seasons – but also seasons when the marine boat canvas prices are at their highest.
That is why you can wait and place your order in summer when the sewing machines are not in full-motion and the canvas workers can make most of your needs. In the end, it is safe to say that choosing the right marine boat canvas shop is something that you decide.
No matter what Canvas Shop you choose to build your Boat Canvas, knowing these details in choosing the right Canvas Guy are Super Important.
At Adriatic Lux, we pride ourselves on our knowledge and experience in making custom marine canvas of all sizes and needs. We welcome everyone looking for the right Boat canvas and who appreciate Custom work. We will hear your needs, explain you all what you will get and come up with the best solution for your Boat.
If you have a specific question please let us know in the comments below and we will try to give you the best posibble answer.
Thank you for your trust.